DeBounce Updates

Transfer Credits

by Mike
Transfer validation credits from your DeBounce account to your friend or colleague account with our new feature.

Lead Finder

by Mike
Find someone's email address by validating possible email addresses created by the permutation of first name, last name, and company address. It creates possible email addresses and starts validating them which leads to finding a valid

Validate G Suite Catch-alls

by Mike
Some G-Suite servers are accept-all and unverifiable. DeBounce uses some specific methods to validate such email addresses. We have built an exceptional engine to validate such email address.

Mailgun Integration

by Mike
Mailgun users now can easily import their email lists using direct integration and start validating them. Once validation is finished, invalid emails can be removed automatically from their Mailgun account.

Gist Integration

by Mike
Gist integration is here! Validate emails on Gist's tags and segments with just a few clicks.

Drip Integration

by Mike
DeBounce has been integrated with Drip with a direct connection. Easily import your contacts (people) from Drip and validate them. You can also remove invalid contacts directly from your DeBounce dashboard.

Perfect Money Payment Method

by Mike
DeBounce now accepts the funds using Perfect Money®.

ActiveCampaign Integration

by Mike
We have launched the integration with ActiveCampaign. Easily transfer your lists and start validating. More information:

Abort a Validation

by Mike
You Asked, So We Built It. Sometimes you need to abort the validation because you are in a hurry to run a campaign. You can abort the validation if less than 2K emails have remained.